For those interested in visiting Apple-History -- Glen Sanford's great Apple Computer history website -- it is available at Apple-History covers Apple company history through 2004; the site last was updated in 2015.
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Established in 1996 and updated frequently, has a Mac History feature, as well as Apple specs, identifiers, benchmarks, global prices, answers, and more.
If you would like to take a deep dive into the history of Apple, Inc, these classic books -- available in hardback, paperback, or ebook formats -- are must haves, as well:
- Revolution in the Valley: From Andy Hertzfeld of the original Mac development team, this book covers the development of the Mac only as someone who actually was there could. If you just own one Apple history book, this should be it.
- Return to the Little Kingdom: An updated version of the out-of-print original, Michael Moritz's "Private Story of Apple Computer" written in 1984 is regarded widely as one of the best, and most objective, chronicles of the early history of Apple.
- Steve Jobs: Walter Isaacson's classic biography of Steve Jobs based on two years worth of interviews with the man himself as well as "more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues." A must read.
- iWoz: No history of Apple would be complete without Steve Wozniak's viewpoint. This book provides a personal, firsthand account of Woz's role including numerous details about his single-handed creation of the first personal computer and some of his famous pranks, too.
- Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer: Now on its third edition, this book focuses primarily around the clever hackers of the Homebrew Computer Club in the 1970s and the resulting companies that were born as a result, including Apple. However, it covers early "calculating engines" from the 1800s all the way to more modern computers, as well. An enjoyable read.
With these books in your physical or digital library, you definitely can be quite knowledgeable about Apple's history. Hope these selections are useful to you.
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